

Built of high-dividend paying equity and fixed income investments, your clients’ portfolios are generally less exposed to the volatility to the overall market, resulting in consistent investment results. Protecting your clients’ investments against loss throughout volatile market cycles as well as minimizing tax consequences are our top priorities.

Quarter End Fact Sheets

Dividend income model

1-10 Year National Muni Ladder

1-15 Year National Muni Ladder

Taxable Quality Intermediate

For Primerica Investment Adviser Use Only – Not for Use with the Public

Balanced Models

Balanced With GENT

Balanced Growth With GENM

Balanced Growth With GENT

Balanced Income With GENM

Balanced Income With GENT

Balanced With GENM

We’re ready to help. Reach out to us today.

Contact your dedicated Genter Capital advisor consultant for Primerica at (800) 877-4100.

All investments involve risks, including possible loss of principal.

Past performance does not guarantee future results.

PFS Investments Inc. financial advisors who are U.S. residents only.

Genter Capital Management LLC is a registered investment adviser under the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to the Investment Advisors Act of 1940, as amended, doing business as Genter Capital Management. Beginning January 1, 2005, the firm has been redefined to include all the assets of Genter Advisors LLC.